What is Omnichannel?

How is an omnichannel contact center?


well, all communication channels (such as phone, SMS, online chat, and email) are connected and integrated to provide a seamless and integrated customer experience. Omnichannel contact centers let agents switch between channels, without losing context from customer interactions across all other channels.


The Difference Between Omnichannel and Multichannel

The terms multichannel and omnichannel are often confused. Many companies say they offer omnichannel communications when what they really have is a multichannel approach. In fact, delivering an omnichannel communication experience was ranked as the second biggest challenge businesses face in their contact centers in a recent consumer communications report.


Companies that connect with customers in their contact center via multiple channels – such as email, social media, web chat, and telephone – have a multichannel contact center. However, just because customers connect with your contact center via multiple channels does not mean that their experience is seamless.


An agent who connects with a customer in a multichannel contact center by phone may not have any information about that customer’s previous interactions on another channel. Often in a multichannel contact center channels are siloed — agents can’t see the context from interactions customers had on other channels on their contact center dashboard, which limits the level of service they can provide.


Giving your customers the ability to seamlessly switch between channels is what takes your customer journey to a whole new level. The omnichannel experience lets agents follow a customer conversation wherever it goes, without being boxed into one channel or spread across dozens of tabs. For example, when your customer can begin with a chat session on your website and then roll that chat into a video co-browse session or voice call with your agent, that customer is receiving personalized, quality service. This kind of seamless interaction across technologies is the key to great omnichannel experiences.

The Omnichannel Customer Journey

The literal translation of omni is all. An omnichannel contact center isn’t necessarily operating on every possible channel of communication (and in today’s technology landscape, these are constantly changing anyway), but all of the channels it does operate on are connected to provide continuity and personalized customer service. In an omnichannel contact center, agents see the entire customer journey through real-time dashboards. They can look at trends over time and by channel while tracking the metrics that matter to the business.

what is omnichannel

Omnichannel dashboards are customized to the specific needs of each business and integrated with the organization’s CRM and other relevant data. The visibility businesses gain from an omnichannel dashboard, along with extensive reporting and analytics, takes the mystery out of the customer journey. According to research from Aberdeen, companies that provide an omnichannel customer experience achieve a 91% higher year-over-year increase in customer retention compared to organizations that don’t.

Choosing an Omnichannel Platform


Integrating omnichannel communications and seamless context throughout the customer journey—especially in a complex environment like a contact center—requires the right infrastructure. Omnichannel is very difficult to achieve with “out-of-the-box” contact centers. Any system requiring a lengthy installation process, limited features, and restricted integration with other platforms will not provide the agility needed to deliver an excellent customer experience in an omnichannel world.


When choosing an omnichannel contact center solution, look for a single interface for multiple channels — SMS, phone calls, in-app chat, email, messaging apps, and more — to save you the effort of maintaining separate integrations. You want to add new channels to your contact center as they become popular and create custom channels easily. Make sure the solution gives you complete ownership of your customer interaction data across all channels while providing a single omnichannel desktop to set your agents up for success.


Twilio APIs, such as Programmable Voice, Programmable SMS, Programmable Video, Programmable Chat, and the Twilio API for WhatsApp, are architected at every layer for handling an omnichannel system. They can deliver an excellent omnichannel customer experience, step by step.

We at Towa are Twilio’s expert implementation and consulting partner in USA and Mexico, we can build a PoC in 2-4 weeks and have that ROI and business case ready to roll out the solution. 


There are plenty of use cases for customer services, both external customers as well, as internal users of the company. The customer experience will thrive and user satisfaction will sky rocket when you have a consistent experience in all your channels.


Reach out to start building an amazing customer experience.


As a leading software development in United States and Mexico, we have huge experiences in many fields including e-commerce, marketplace platform, fintech, payments, banking, retail and many more.


You can contact us at support@towasoftware.com or via +1 (210) 787 4525 for more information.


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Onshore or Nearshore Tech Teams

So we all know about Offshore software development teams, they can be found abroad, usually foreign countries on the other side of the world.


Current technology enable collaboration of teams, everyone works remotely now so it is easier to outsource skills and engineers to help you build your product or service faster, at lesser cost than building a tech team locally.

Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile all have cities with technology hubs where your company can find the right skills and engineering techniques for your project.

Many companies and startups find that outsourcing software development offers more benefits than hiring developers in-house or locally, mainly because today’s most demanded skills are related to computer sciences and there are certain IT skills that are hard to find, so the costs rise up, and there are no guarantees.


When researching a place to outsource, there are basically four types of IT outsourcing to consider: locally, onshore, nearshore or offshore?


So, which is the best option for outsourcing tech teams for your business?

Hiring locally, Onshore, Nearshore, etc?

There are pros and cons to all of them. So it’s important to define what are the main differences between them. To determine which options of IT outsourcing is the best for your company.


  • Onshore or nearshore means that outsourcing software development is located in the same countryor region and have similar and compatible timezones.
  • Offshore indicates that the company you hired is in another country with a different time zone, maybe 12 hours.
  • Hiring locally can be expensive, and some skills required are hard to find.

The awesome about today’s technology is that. There is no need for an in-house team. Instead, you can find the right partner to help you build and scale a tech team, both onshore or nearshore, outsource in a neighborhood country.

Onshore Tech Teams


Onshore is often known as local outsourcing. In this option of software development service, a company has the opportunity to focus on its core business capabilities.


While quality is ensured, the required work is still done in a connected manner, with regular or daily meetings.


Your dedicated team will speak the same language. Onshore and nearshore outsourcing offers some benefits:


  • No language barriers or many cultural similarities.
  • Timezones are the same, or have many compatible 9 am to 5 pm labor hours.
  • Constant communication, daily meetings and same day responses.
  • An onshore development team is easy to nail and scale.
  • Less expensive labor than locally
Top Mexican Engineers for Hire
Nearshore Tech Teams

Nearshore software development is consider to be between onshore and offshore.


Nearshoring is when the team is located close to your company headquarters, perhaps in a neighbor country (Canada or Mexico)


Nearshore outsourcing has similar benefits to onshore and is far better option than what offshore can offer.


Weather you choose a nearshore or onshore partner company to build your tech team, the pool of talent is exponentially larger and labor costs can be reduced.


In addition, there are other advantages for nearshore tech teams:

  • Time zone are mostly the same or lightly different.
  • Many Latam countries share cultural or lenguaje similairies.
  • Being more able to travel, if you really need to.


Most of the time. it would probably be a little higher cost than offshoring your tech team, but it is many times less riskier and more likely to success when you hire a manage tech team in a neighbor country like Mexico.

Onshore Tech Team: What you need to know?


Onshore tech teams are located in Mexico, in cities with the top talent coming from best Universities in the country.

An Onshore tech team can maximize a successful business with quality, engineering and technology at a lower cost.

From Onshoring a Tech Team, both parties benefit from the partnership.


Advantages of Onshoring a Tech Team


Some potential benefits of an offshore software development team:


  • The project accesses a larger pool of talent
  • Hiring a top talent for you team at lower costs
  • Dedicated Tech teams can handle your technology services
  • If you find the right partner to build your Tech Team for your company, they can assure to deliver and meet deadlines
Disadvantages of Onshore a Tech Team


There are some risks if you outsource your technology. While planning to hire a dedicated team, you need to consider the following:


  • Watch for similar time-zone , the less difference the better.
  • Transfering too much critical activity too fast.
  • Analyize the working culture of the neighbor country
  • Find partners that is located in a 3 to 4 hour flight to visit the production team, even that now almost everyone works remotely from homeoffice.
  • See for cultural values like accountability, hierarchy, scheduling, responsibility.


Talk to us to evaluate our company skills to help your business build a successful technology core competency.

As a leading software development in United States and Mexico, we have huge experiences in many fields including e-commerce, marketplace platform, fintech, payments, banking, retail and many more.


You can contact us at support@towasoftware.com or via +1 (210) 787 4525 for more information.


Don’t hesitate to contact us.